Celebrating 10 Years of Strengthening Future Artists

Performing Arts
Feb 18, 2023
Save the Date for our annual Winter Concert
Join the Community Arts Strengthening Academic (CASA) program, an initiative of the National Museum of Mexican Art, at it's annual Winter Concert showcasing over 200 students from 5 different partnering schools in Folkloric, Mariachi, Jazz, Banda, and Guitar programs! We are welcoming students from the following schools in Illinois:
Solorio Academy High School
Calmeca Academy of Fine Arts
Sherlock Elementary School
Abe Lincoln Elementary School
Columbus West Elementary School
This event is not just about the music; it's about celebrating the unity of family and friends. Your constant encouragement has empowered these students to pursue their dreams, and we want to thank you for believing in them.
So come and be a part of this unforgettable evening, where we guarantee an experience that will leave you smiling, singing, and feeling proud. Bring your loved ones, gather your friends, and be prepared to celebrate the power of Mexican culture in a room filled with supportive souls. Let's make this concert a night to remember!
*Please note that no food or drink is allowed inside of the auditorium.
Únase al programa Community Arts Strengthening Academics (CASA), una iniciativa del Museo Nacional de Arte Mexicano, en su Concierto de Invierno anual que presenta a más de 200 estudiantes de 5 escuelas asociadas diferentes en programas de folklórico, mariachi, jazz, banda y guitarra. Damos la bienvenida a estudiantes de las siguientes escuelas en Illinois:
Solorio Academy High School
Calmeca Academy of Fine Arts
Sherlock Elementary School
Abe Lincoln Elementary School
Columbus West Elementary School
Este evento no se trata sólo de música; se trata de celebrar la unidad de familiares y amigos. Su constante apoyo ha permitido a estos estudiantes perseguir sus sueños y queremos agradecerles por creer en ellos.
Asà que ven y sé parte de esta presentacion inolvidable, donde te garantizamos una experiencia que te dejará sonriendo, cantando y sintiéndote orgulloso. Traiga a sus seres queridos, reúna a sus amigos y prepárese para celebrar el poder de la cultura mexicana en una sala llena de almas solidarias. ¡Hagamos de este concierto una noche para recordar!